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What You Need for a Perfect Philosophy of Supervision Paper

A candidate who wishes to attain academic and professional credentials with regard to therapy or counseling supervision is generally required to submit a Philosophy of Supervision paper. This paper should outline their understanding of what the role of a supervisor means and how they view the relationship with a supervisee and what they hope to create through their position. The assignment is an important step for evaluators to judge whether or not the candidate has managed to find the right blend of theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to provide a safe and functional space for the client and the person being supervised.

Overall, the essay is similar to a personal essay in which you, as the supervisor candidate, should describe your own view of what supervision means to you and how you would practice it. The paper will include personal opinion and also the sources and literature which have informed that opinion.

A brief breakdown of what your paper should contain:

  • You should describe the theories of therapy and supervision and how they are connected in order to outline your own theoretical stance;
  • Your reasoning for choosing a certain supervisory method and your opinion as to your chosen method helps you to realize your vision for the role of supervision;
  • How well you understand the importance of consistency in applying your model, whether it be from a single model perspective or, if integrating facets from other models, how this is achieved and applied consistently;
  • You should show how you perceive therapy and supervision to be related to each other and that you understand these inter-relations, whether this is in relation to contexts, patterns, individuals, families or otherwise;
  • It is important to articulate your understanding of current counseling and therapy guidelines and standard practices. This can be done by briefly describing papers, articles or other relevant literature and expanding on how your philosophy and methodology can be related to these;
  • The connection between current issues and the wide-ranging effects of culture, upbringing and biology and how you understand these effects should also be included;
  • You should explain your awareness of how your own morals, knowledge, personal opinions and experiences may affect your supervisory practices and philosophy.

A philosophy you are comfortable with

Most of all, your paper is also an opportunity for you to really explore the area of supervision and articulate your own personal methodology. It is understood that every supervisor is unique and brings their own personal beliefs and experiences into the role, as well as the elements of theory that they feel suit the position and situation best. In this respect, the essay can also be seen by you as a statement of resolve for how you intend to practice supervision. As the paper will be discussed with your instructor or mentor, it means you have a great chance to make sure that the philosophy of supervision you have developed for yourself will be both ethical and effective and see how it may be tweaked or perfected.

By outlining your philosophy and stating its theoretical basis, and also the personal reasons as to why you have chosen it, you are, in effect, claiming your right to be a supervisor. That’s why, when writing the assignment, you should treat it as something personal as well as academic, you are explaining to the world why you will practice the way you will and outlining your reasoning on both an experiential and knowledge based level. Therefore, don’t be afraid to embrace your own opinions and thoughts as every supervisor is understood and accepted to be different.